Local people in Kingsbridge, West Alvington and Churchstow have voted in support of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Neighbourhood planning gives communities more of a voice when deciding on the futures of the places where they live and work. Local people are able to produce plans for local developments that have real legal weight, so they can be involved in the decisions made for their local community, deciding which buildings should be built and where, and having a say in which ventures the townsfolk would most benefit from.

The Neighbourhood Plan for Kingsbridge, Churchstow and West Alvington was put to a vote on November 24th, and there was overwhelming support for the scheme, with 89.29% of constituents voting yes.

A Steering group made up of local people, Kingsbridge Town Council and West Alvington and Churchstow Parish Councils have been working to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for their communities since 2018.

The document is written by the local community and will help to ensure the right developments are put in the right places, often meaning the protection of local green places and more useful developments that benefit local people and meet the community’s needs.

More than 2,400 communities across England have already started neighbourhood planning, and Kingsbridge, Churchstow and West Alvington will now be joining them.

Martin Johnson, Town Clerk at Kingsbridge Town Council said: “Kingsbridge, West Alvington and Churchstow Councils are delighted that the Neighbourhood Plan was backed by our communities at the recent Referendum. The Plan sets out a clear vision of the types of development which will be supported in the town and villages when future planning applications are considered. 

“Huge credit goes to the late Richard Benton who was a driving force of the Steering Group, Richard Smith who took up the reins as Chairman, our planning guru Peter Sandover, all members of the Steering Group itself and, most important of all, local residents, groups and businesses who engaged with the Neighbourhood Plan process over the past 4 years, attended our various meetings and exhibitions etc. and provided such worthwhile input during the public consultations. Thank you.”

The Plan is available to view on: https://kingsbridge.gov.uk/neighbourhood-plan

Printed copies of the Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed at Kingsbridge Town Council Offices in Quay House, Kingsbridge Library, Kingsbridge Information Centre.