The Farming in Protected Landscapes programme (FIPL) funded by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) recently funded a range of works at Hangar Marsh at Salcombe, located behind the car park at North Sands.

A grant of £20K funded pond restoration, the reedbeds conservation, together with the creation of woody leaky dams which have been created along the stream to help manage water levels in the wetland.

A replacement section of boardwalk has been built, leading to a new bird hide next to the pond.

A new Interpretation board gives information about the reserve and what you might spy there.

The ground is owned by South Hams District Council and the work was carried out by ParkLife SW.

John Yeoman, Chairman of the FiPL local assessment panel which awards the grants is delighted this project has enabled South Hams District Councill to protect a unique site in Salcombe whilst helping volunteers to get involved and improving a very important habitat for nature.

Keith Rennells ParkLife Director, is hoping more of the community get involved to learn about nature and help to maintain the reserve.

The Farming in Protected Landscapes programme is a part of Defra’s Agricultural Transition Plan.

The programme will fund projects that support nature recovery, mitigate the impacts of climate change, provide opportunities for people to discover, enjoy and understand the landscape and its cultural heritage, and protect or improve the quality and character of the landscape or place.

The programme will run until March 2025.