Buckfast Abbey Choir is performing the world premiere of a new Mass setting. The piece is written for the choir by Martin Baker, former Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral. The piece is for a Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass choir and organ, incorporating various musical themes from Gregorian chant and other existing pieces associated with the feast of the Blessed Sacrament. The choir will record the new work a week after the concert, and the musical score will be published by Ad Fontes in the autumn. The premiere will be in the second half of the concert, which also includes a range of choral music from Gregorian chant and polyphony by William Byrd and Thomas Tallis, alongside more recent music by César Franck and Colin Mawby. A spokesperson for Buckfast Abbey said, "There should be something here for everyone."
The piece will premier on Saturday June 1 at 7.30 pm