The West Alvington Horticultural Society held its 76th Annual Show, last Saturday, at the nearby local village hall in Malborough and proved to be a great success on many levels.
Entries had risen by 20, across the 149 classes.
Honorary Secretary & Treasurer Keith Steer said: “We were absolutely delighted with the quality of entries, especially the flowers and potatoes, and the high attendance in the afternoon.”
“The hall was full of brightly coloured dahlias, pot plants and bowls of mixed garden flowers, which all pleased the judges immensely.”
As the locals visited the hall they enjoyed the various side-shows, home-made refreshments and raffles, raising over £1,300 in two hours and then witnessed the presentation of trophies, by the 2024 President and great stalwart of the show Gillian Heath”.
Throughout the competition the battle was fierce with very few points separating the winners from the runners up.
In the vegetable section Mike Hine and Tim Smith were the major contenders, with Mike winning several trophies including the Brooking Cup and Blue Ribbon with some outstanding onions and Tim taking the George Edwards Memorial Cup and Cyril Boon Memorial Cup with some excellent potatoes.
The other major exhibitor of the day was Keith Steer requiring the silver polish for securing seven trophies covering preserves, cookery, a fruit cake, flowers, dahlias, bread and The Cordelia Came Centennial Memorial Cup for the most points in the show, three certificates of merit and a blue ribbon for his sponge fruit flan.

The Open flower and dahlia sections were dominated by Norman Veitch, Bob Goud and Terry Reeves with some stunning blooms of many kinds. Jeanne Hudson triumphed in the hobby class carrying away the cup and Jacky Walter won the painting cup with a superb depiction of a Thurlestone Rock.
New exhibitor James Norsworthy won the photography cup for the first time.
Linsay Johns was very pleased with her Floral Art entries which secured her the Dawson Cup with her colourful floral interpretations and Jackie Case took the certificate of merit with her exhibit of “Colourful Extravaganza” which was declared best in the section.
The children’s entries were once again very artistic, and drew great praise with their creativity; the star performers were cousins Alfie Davies and Ezra Johns and Ella-Rose Rowell.
The committee expressed their sincere thanks to the judges who gave of their time free of charge. They were David Coward. Brian Griffiths and Joe Wallis (vegetables), John Yeo (flowers), Cynthia Morgan (floral art and Juniors), Angela Hickman (Homecraft), Jeremy Willcocks (photography) and Adrienne Blake (handicrafts).

The Cordelia Came Centennial Memorial Cup: Winner: Keith Steer, Runner up: Mark Boon, The George Edwards Memorial Cup: Winner: Tim Smith, The Will Norsworthy Memorial Cup: Winner: Terry Reeves, The Kinsman Cup: Mark Boon, Runner up: Elizabeth Hannaford, The AB Perpetual Cup: Winner: Keith Steer, Runner up: Daine Rogers & Elizabelth Hannaford, The Cottagers Dahlia Cup: Winner: Keith Steer, Runner Up: Terry Reeves, The Frank Gloyn Memorial Cup: Winner: Mike Hine, Runner up: Tim Smith, The George Rhymes Memorial Cup: Winner: Mike Hine, The Fred Baker Cup: Winner: Mike Hine, The Open Flower Cup: Winner: Bob Gould, Runner up: Sheila Hine, The Colonel Cowley Cup: Winner: Norman Veitch, Runner up: Bob Gould, The Den Cole Memorial Cup: Winner: Norman Veitch, The Mary Dickson Memorial Cup: Winner: Bob Gould, The YOR Cup: Winner: Bob Gould, The Dawson Cup: Winner: Linsay Johns Runner up: Jackie Case, The Preserves Cup: Winner: Keith Steer, Runner up: Sheila Hine, Cookery Cup: Keith Steer, Runner up: Diane Rogers, Mrs Came’s Special: Winner: Keith Steer, The Beryl Brooking Memorial Cup: Winner: Keith Steer, Handicrafts Cup: Winner: Harriet Brooks- Brownlie, Runner up: Alyson Smith, Photography Trophy: Winner: James Norsworthy, Runner up: Keith Steer, Burgoyne cup for parsleys: Winner: Mike Hine, Hobby Cup: Winner Jeanne Hudson, Painting Cup: Winner: Jacky Walter, Brooking Cups for Onions: Mike Hine, Mixed Dahlia: Terry Reeves, Junior Cups Alfie Davies, Ezra Johns and Ella-Rose Rowell, Best Junior Cup: Ella-Rose Rowell.

Blue Ribbons: Mike Hine (onions), Terry Reeves, (mixed dahlias) and Keith Steer (Sponge fruit fan)
Certificates of merit: K A Steer (3), T J Reeves, M Hine, J Case, A Davies, E Johns, N Veitch, J Norsworthy & B Gould
First Prize winners: K A Steer (31), R Gould (15), M Hine & T Smith (7), A Davies, J Case, S Hine (6), Dr H Brooks-Brownlie, J Norsworthy & D Rogers (5), E Johns, N Veitch & M Wright (4), TJ Reeves, Mrs L Johns, (3), M Boon, R Brooking (2) D Dawes, E Hannaford, Jeanne Hudson, Mrs J Lapthorn, S Morgan, E R Rowell (1) other prize winners: J Fairbairn, R Fairchild, S Johns, A Lapthorn, T Lapthorn, M Norsworthy, S Norsworthy, F Rowell, J Seal, A Smith, S Trout & N Veitch.