DEVON’S Air Ambulance carried out an amazing total of 1,828 missions in the past year.

A spokesperson for the Air Ambulance trust said: ‘Our mission statistics for 2022 reveal just how vital our emergency medical response is to the people of Devon, as we experienced another incredibly busy year.

‘Throughout another challenging year for many public services and charities, our crew were tasked to attend over 1,828 incidents across Devon and we were also called to assist across our borders in neighbouring counties of Cornwall, Somerset and Dorset. ‘

Of those 1828 missions, 887 were to help patients with medical emergencies (those suffering with a medical condition) and 929 were trauma-related incidents (accidents and injuries caused by slips, trips, falls, burns and road traffic collisions to name just a few).

‘Our crews assisted 749 male and 419 female patients and 109 children (Age 0-17) who also needed our expert care.

‘July remains our busiest month of the year and Friday was our busiest day of the week.

‘In 2022, we will continue to focus on cardiac arrest, aiming to educate and raise awareness within local communities that, should the need arise, anyone can help to save the life of someone who is suffering from a Cardiac Arrest.

‘360 patients we responded to last year were suffering a cardiac arrest and they accounted for the most common of all medical related missions (30%). This was an increase from the 315 patients suffering a Cardiac Arrest in 2021.

‘Sadly, road traffic collisions remain high on our incident report and 2022 saw us tasked to 294 road traffic collisions on Devon’s roads.

‘292 missions were in the hours of darkness where many of our invaluable Community Landing Sites were used to enable the aircraft to land safely.

‘We were also tasked to many patients taking part in their favourite sports and leisure activities, with equestrian related incidents, 43, being the highest.

‘All of our responses to this huge number of critically ill or injured people across our beautiful county were only possible due to your wonderful support.

‘On behalf of all the patients we were able to help, Thank you.’

You can find out more about the Air Ambulance by visiting their website at