The Friends of the Redfern Centre (F.O.R.C.), the patients' group of Salcombe Health Centre, held its annual Cream Tea at the Cottage Hotel to raise funds for the health centre.
Once again this popular event drew in the crowds, nearly 120 people, to enjoy cream teas. The raffle had a large number of superb, quality prizes, all donated by local businesses and the Tombola and book stalls also did a busy trade. New this year was the Human Fruit Machine – a colourful, lively game which drew much attention and fun. The afternoon made a total profit of £1,717 which is around £280 more than last year's event.
Mrs Sue Sharp, the Redfern Centre's Practice Manager, thanked everyone on the FORC committee for their continued efforts saying:" I'd like to thank the Cottage Hotel for their generous support and everyone who helped out before and on the day and, of course, those who attended. The money raised will go in entirety to purchasing extra equipment and facilities for the benefit of patients at the Redfern Centre and also enabling them to receive certain treatments and procedures at the surgery instead of having to travel to Derriford or Torbay Hospitals. As always, it will be greatly appreciated."
To find out more about FORC visit their website