BEESON event DadFest has won the Small Event of the Year award from the National Outdoor Events Association.

DadFest, organised by Totnes-based Dangerous Dads Network and outdoor activity centre Forest and Beach at Beeson where the event is held, is the UK’s only festival just for dads and their children.

Featuring a weekend of camping and activities, interspersed with storytelling, chill-out tents and the Official Dad Dancing Championships, DadFest has only been running for the last two years, and already dads and their kids from all over the area and is slowly expanding nationally.

Forest and Beach owners Pete and Andrea Moore were at an archery instruction course on Thursday, November 26, the day of the awards ceremony in Bath, but Ian Blackwell, founder of Dangerous Dads was there to accept the prize.

‘Its fantastic’, said Ian, ‘It’s a really prestigious award, the National Outdoor Events Association are the professional body for the whole sector – festivals, shows etc – so its great.

‘Somebody nominated us, I’m not sure who, but DadFest will be back in September and MumsFest will be starting in May due to extensive demand following the success of DadFest. Both will be held at Forest and Beach.’

Small Event of the Year Award sponsored by HLF recognises the ‘good work done by event organisers staging smaller events with audience attendance of under 2,000 with a local community focus’.

The judges said: ‘This is an event that understands it community and speaks to it. It has a clear vision, is innovative in doing so and reflects part of its society in its representation. How you can go wrong with Dad dancing?’

Pete Moore, Forest and Beach said: ‘Forest and Beach is delighted to hear DadFest has won a National Award. The small festival is gaining a lovely reputation as a fun and engaging weekend where Dads and their children can explore the outdoors in a relaxing environment. ‘As well as hosts we are proud to be joint organisers working closely with Dangerous Dads, which is expanding nationwide. We are really looking forward to DadFest 2016!’

To find out more about DadFest and the Dangerous Dads Network, visit the website: