Members of The Inn theatre Company have been hard at work this week putting on their long-awaited production of the Merchant of Venice, which took place from July 18th-22nd at Dartmouth Castle.

Jane Windsor-Smith, Artistic Director, said: “The first two nights (went) amazingly well with good audiences and lots of plaudits.  We were disappointed that it rained (unexpectedly) early evening and for about 30 minutes into the show but the audience had good humour and had come prepared with rain wear and umbrellas.  The clouds drifted away and we had a good evening, with bits of blue sky to raise everyone’s spirits.”

On Saturday night, the company unfortunately had to perform in St Petrox Church, but the show was still a great success. 

Jane added: “This year’s cast is truly amazing, easily reaching professional standards and the play has a bit of everything in it - comedy and tragedy.  We have quick changes galore and some fantastic characterisation."

One audience member said: “An absolutely superb performance. Thank you all for an amazing evening.” 

Another added: “The acting was excellent, well delivered, clear, paced, convincing, animated and... very professional - worth the journey from Plymouth.”